(If it is homemade, how to you make it?)
Thank you.What are some Animal safe (or homemade) glue / adhesives?
Try these recipes... they are people and animal safe: smile
Homemade Glue Recipe
This is a very basic glue but works. Simply mix water and flour together until you have a paste that is the consistency of pancake batter. Heat on low for 5 minutes. You can add color (food coloring) or flavors to it.
This recipe is non-toxic but it does take awhile to dry.
Here is another Glue Recipe
1 cup tapioca starch
4 Tablespoons of sugar
2 cups of cold water
Mix starch, water and sugar in a sauce pan until all ingredients are dissolved. Stir over medium heat until it forms a paste. This mixture should be stored in an airtight container that just fits the amount that you have left.What are some Animal safe (or homemade) glue / adhesives?
XAviators answer is supposed to be funny I guess, but it's absolute BS. Gorilla Glue will expand when exposed to moisture and cause serious harm to humans and animals if ingested.
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Gorilla glue. It is made from authentic gorilla parts and is perfecly safe for animals. I use it in tea as a sweetener if I am out of honey.
just buy a non-toxic glue from the store. any glue that is non-toxic will have it written on the packaging.
most animals will try to eat any home made glue, hence destroy the toy.
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