Saturday, February 27, 2010

What is the best adhesive to use when gluing a wood frame to a mirror?

If you are gluing the backing of the mirror to any part of the wood frame, you need to use mirror mastic so that the silver will not come off. If you are gluing the frame around the mirror, I would use either Locktite or a silicone based glue, like E6000 or plumbers goop. When I glued a frame around a bathroom mirror that was already adhered to the wall, I found Locktite's very fast grab to be the best because it was a difficult place to use clamps which most glues would require when adhering slick surfaces. But, if you can lay the mirror flat, just use clamps if you use a silicone based glue until it cures.What is the best adhesive to use when gluing a wood frame to a mirror?
I read this question and thought ';guerilla glue'; (don't know how to spell it) but Tucci already use it for alot of stuff :)What is the best adhesive to use when gluing a wood frame to a mirror?
gorilla glue
Be aware some glues will eat away/damage the mirror.
Gorilla Glue is a popular multi surface adhesive. Keep in mind that many multi surface, high strength adhesives are also expansive when they dry. Loctite makes a product called Power Grab. It comes in a pressureized tube and shrinks only mildly when it dries. I don't know if it is speced for wood and glass...
why would you want to glue it? try to nail it with brads...
My favorite stuff is Liquid Nail, I use it for everything.
I've used the silicone adhesives and worked very good, even in an area that had a lot of vibration (in an industrial setting).

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